As our family navigated through this darkness in our lives, we realized Jed’s bright light was shining through us.
Our Story
Stables 4 Jed became our purpose after tragically losing our 4-year-old son, Jed, and then discovering a lack of grief services available to residents in rural Iowa. As we struggled to find our way, Jed’s love for horses led our family to lean on our horses for support and comfort as we walked through our personal grief. Horses, by nature, have the ability to read a person’s emotional state and build strong bonds. Because of this, we want to offer grief therapy using equine involvement to help others heal, as it has helped our family. As our family navigated through this darkness in our lives, we realized Jed’s bright light was shining through us.
Through our foundation, we want to share his light and love of horses by helping others through their grief journey.
No other facility in Iowa offers specialized services in grief therapy with equestrian involvement.
Stables 4 Jed offers a unique therapeutic pathway to those navigating through the grief process.
People will visit Stables 4 Jed because the therapy services are more personalized.
Stables 4 Jed will provide grieving individuals and/or families a place of comfort that is discrete and out of the public eye.
A recent study done by Amerispeak and WebMD found that 57% of Americans are grieving the loss of someone close to them over the last 3 years, which means every other person you see is grieving.
Eterneva, 2022